NEW UPDATE! Grammar Errors and Amy getting stuck on a table after picking up a Gem (Soft-Lock bug) has been fixed!

Heyo everyone! A new update has been released! Please download it to check what is new! If any of you get stuck after picking up a certain gem, Then that will no longer effect you! Please enjoy the game.

- Fixed some grammar and spelling errors

- Fixed Amy getting stuck on a table after picking up a gem

Thank you to everyone who has downloaded the game, If you enjoy this game then I really recommend you follow my Twitter cause that's where I am gonna be posting about new stuff. Also, Please considering subscribing to my Patreon. All earnings will go towards funding future projects! I want to improve upon every new game release that I do and with your support I can make that happen quicker and easily. So please if you have any coin to spare. Do consider! 

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Thank you and have a good day! - Blueychu


The Horror Of A 415 MB
Jun 21, 2024

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